Céad Míle Fáilte ~ A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Here we seek a rest in the shade, some cool water and a little kindness. This blog is dedicated to peace, truth, justice and a post- industrial, post-petroleum illumined world in spite of all odds against it. I very much like the line about the ancient knight (see poem below) "His helmet now shall make a hive for bees" It is reminiscent of "beating swords into ploughshares" a sentiment I heartily approve of. Thank you for visiting ~ I hope you return!

Waterfall Animation Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Agreed: Cede to Feed on Weeds

One of the reasons I have grown to love my adopted state of Nebraska is Roger Welsch. Written when the author was running for local office (County Weed Control Commissioner) here in SE Nebraska on a pro-weed ticket, this is a unique little book. No more herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizer, no more sweaty lawn care... just put some oil and vinegar dressing on that pesky lawn and open it to the neighbors as an all-you-can-eat salad bar! WEED 'EM AND REAP is a light-hearted but informative introduction to the free bounty of wild foods in lawns and woods, prairies and pastures. Even if you have no intentions of brewing up a crock of dandelion wine or tossing a salad of sour dock and purslane, you will enjoy reading Roger Welsch's adventures in the wild world of weedery. We're betting it won't be long before you will be watching roadsides and byways for your own treasure trove of blackberries, morel mushrooms, wild asparagus, or elderberries

Follow Roger as he gathers and prepares wild fare, and soon you, too, will be able to amaze your friends & family by serving up a salad, stew, vegetable, drink, or dessert made from ingredients found within shouting distance of your camp or from the back alleys of your suburb. This fun yet practical guide teaches more about morels, cattails, and smut (the edible fungus kind) than you ever thought possible. There's also information on making wines, jams, and jellies, and even gathering and enjoying acorns the Native American way.

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