Céad Míle Fáilte ~ A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Here we seek a rest in the shade, some cool water and a little kindness. This blog is dedicated to peace, truth, justice and a post- industrial, post-petroleum illumined world in spite of all odds against it. I very much like the line about the ancient knight (see poem below) "His helmet now shall make a hive for bees" It is reminiscent of "beating swords into ploughshares" a sentiment I heartily approve of. Thank you for visiting ~ I hope you return!

Waterfall Animation Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Solar Eclipse

From CNN Darkness falls in Asia during total eclipse, luring masses

solar eclipse Pictures, Images and Photos What could be more mystical than the even temporary disappearance of the source of all light and life on our planet? Stirring primitive fears and longings, yesterday's solar eclipse was quite visible to millions. Some say the day bodes deep and lasting changes for every single person alive. Is it the Age of Aquarius yet?

QUOTE In India, an eclipse is considered inauspicious. Women forbid pregnant daughters-in-law from going outside out of the belief that their children could be born with marks. Some temples won't offer any prayers on the day of an eclipse -- such as the one next to the planetarium in Mumbai, which said it won't even light a stick of incense. UNQUOTE

Videos of Solar eclipse
Pictures of the Solar Eclipse http://www.spaceweather.com/eclipses/gallery_22jul09.htm?PHPSESSID=nbofp54pl0194ih0ot0ioddfd5

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