Céad Míle Fáilte ~ A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Here we seek a rest in the shade, some cool water and a little kindness. This blog is dedicated to peace, truth, justice and a post- industrial, post-petroleum illumined world in spite of all odds against it. I very much like the line about the ancient knight (see poem below) "His helmet now shall make a hive for bees" It is reminiscent of "beating swords into ploughshares" a sentiment I heartily approve of. Thank you for visiting ~ I hope you return!

Waterfall Animation Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Herbology For the Rest of Us

I stumbled across this article today, and found it fascinating. "For entertainment purposes only" as the disclaimer goes ~ but ya just might want to bookmark it! Indeedy. Wow.

QUOTE LUCKY FOR US, WE LIVE AT A time when researchers gather new information about herbs almost daily. And they're confirming that sometimes herbs just work better than prescription and over-the-counter medicines. For example, deglycyrrhizinated licorice heals ulcers without the risk of severe bleeding that accompanies prescription ulcer medicines. And St. John's wort lifts mild and moderate depression without squashing your libido or making you sleepy the way prescription antidepressants do. Here we reveal the 20 herbs that experts say you can count on to safely treat common chronic ailments. UNQUOTE

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