Everyone who enters the Lenten desert consciously and who wills to more fully conform his or her self to the image of the Christos will have confronted by this third Tuesday in Lent, some of their worst inner enemies. We have repentence, penitence and remorse over our sins. The dark shadows of addictions, old wounds and scars, sins and omissions with their karmic aftermath, thought and behavior patterns which are less than exemplary - I have managed to wrestle with at least one of each of them by now this Lent. Some of them several times. But allowing a metamorphosis to take place by the grace of God and by surrendering to a higher power and one's own higher self (soul)is what is required of us. This is not self-help, but rather surrender to the Divine Wow. Metanoia and transformation into a new creature. This is the Lenten Spring.
Readings for today.
“The unexamined life is not worth living.” Socrates said that at his trial for heresy.
We cannot procrastinate until tomorrow. For we know not what the next day will bring. Nor should we say, let us conquer a certain habit “little by little”, since this “little by little” will never come to an end - St. John Chrysostom
photo credit: Loriannloo~~~
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