How have we arrived so soon at the 40th anniversary of Woodstock? How has old man Chronos hoodwinked old man Kairos into letting us develop spare tires, grey hair, wrinkly skin and fading eyesight?
For those of us who happily mutated at the sound of our very first Beatles song,
who transformed through meditation and pot and peyote buds and dancing and free stores and organics, it's a very short moment in time since that weekend.
I was 15 years old and living in Oregon at the time, so although I was present at the very first Oregon Country Fair (which started as a Renaissance Faire BTW), used to have a room mate named Lila who was a founding Earth Mother of The Rainbow Family, although my friend Jimmy Hissop (a gentle soul with a shiny brown mop of curls who wore old coveralls over tie dye) drove a milk truck for Ken Kesey's Springfield Creamery all through his senior year in high school, although I'd seen the Grateful Dead 3 times before my 18th birthday, despite all that I did not make it all the way across the continent for Woodstock, except in spirit.
Here are a few little snippets of thought on Woodstock, 40 years on.
Peace, my brothers and sisters.
Paul Krassner at Huggington Post - Four decades ago, along with 499,999 others on a countercultural pilgrimage, I was headed for the Woodstock Festival of Music & Love.
CBS News It was 40 years ago Saturday when almost half-a-million people descended on a farm in upstate New York to enjoy a music festival called "Woodstock." But what nobody knew then was the impact it would have on a generation.
Rolling Stone Rolling Stone's Essential Woodstock Coverage
Please take a moment to check out my new LSD Documentary film.
Paul Krassner is featured in this first segment...please post
Features the CIA LSD Brothel in San Francisco (MK ULTRA), Groucho Marx's LSD Trip....Doc Ellis pitches his no-hitter while high.
Tim Leary's Miricle of Good friday Experiment is explored with one of the original PREACHERS who took part.
LSD and the Protest Movement, JFK & LSD plus more.
All posted for free at this youtube link..please share this knowledge.
Good heavens, I post a hat tip to the Woodstrock Anniversary and what do I get? People hawking their LSD videos. *sigh*.
Disclaimer: I do not endorse use of illegal drugs nor do I endorse this guy's LSD video.
Oy veh.
You'll be happy to know that the couple in this famous Woodstock picture married and lived happily ever after. NBC news recently did a spot on them.
David, I saw the story on the graying couple. Super sweet.
How about a link to the documentary on that couple?
When Woodstock was going on, I was meditating at the Maui Zendo. I'd already been into and out of the drug scene, and was on a traditional path to peace.
NBC and hulu seem to have taken the video down and YouTube seems to no thave it (the story was on the Today Show)but here'a a link
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