Céad Míle Fáilte ~ A Hundred Thousand Welcomes!

Here we seek a rest in the shade, some cool water and a little kindness. This blog is dedicated to peace, truth, justice and a post- industrial, post-petroleum illumined world in spite of all odds against it. I very much like the line about the ancient knight (see poem below) "His helmet now shall make a hive for bees" It is reminiscent of "beating swords into ploughshares" a sentiment I heartily approve of. Thank you for visiting ~ I hope you return!

Waterfall Animation Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon...

Yesterday flew by with the last day of my 4th of July holiday being filled with domestic stuff like workouts, laundry, getting ready for my next-door-neighbor's yard sale (we're contributing and helping), making a Southern Style supper for Charlie (turkey "ham", rice, sweet potatoes and delicious greens, in this case organic Kacinto Kale) with Fat Boys or melon salad for dessert. We ended with watching the first episode of the old 1988 mini-series Lonesome Dove, a family favorite. I do love Augustus McCrae, Captain Woodrow Call and Joshua Deets, those characters are some of the best in fiction.

Today is more of the same, respite care, getting yard sale items prepped, a date with my meditation cushion and ending with work this evening. The weather is a steamy 85 degrees but it is quite nice until you actually do something more strenuous than making a tuna salad, and then it feels hot! I hope it is just as nice where you are.


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